400 Years Project: Donations
400 Years: Truth & Healing for the Next Seven Generations is an interfaith / intercommunity project of listening, connecting, and acting for justice around the onset of European colonization of Northeast Native homelands in 1620.
We invite you to make a generous donation to support four important Native projects as a small, beginning act of restorative justice in response to 400 years of taking of lands and cultures from the Native peoples of our region. 100% of all donations made on this page will be divided equally among the following projects:
- Native Land Conservancy
- Ohketeau Cultural Center
- Nipmuk Cultural Preservation, Inc. and
- Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust
These projects were selected in collaboration with Rhonda Anderson, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs of Western Massachusetts.
Details at: interfaithamherst.org/400-years-funding
Enter any amounts in the donation fields to the left and then click on "buy now" at the bottom of that column. Go to the "cart" to checkout with your credit card information.
(Note: Make 400 years donations on this page rather than as a donation during checkout. Donations there go to Annie Patterson & Peter Blood work creating social justice through music.)
You can also give by sending a check made out to "Interfaith Council of Franklin County / 400 Years" and mailing it to: ICFC (400 Years), P.O. Box 1171, Greenfield, 01302.
MORE INFORMATION is at Interfaith Opportunities Network interfaithamherst.org/400-years